Install Node.js and npm

The first step is to install Angular CLI with NPM. Hence, it’s required to install Node.js on your system.
You can go to the official website of Node.js -, from where you can download the latest Node version – Node 23.
Now install Node as per your system configuration. Once you download the Windows version of Node, open the installer and continue with the default settings.
Accept the agreement and click on Next.
Keep features as they. Press Next.
You can opt out of this step as well. It’s not necessary to install native modules as it consumes around 3GB of space on your system.
Now complete the installation.
Now open the Command Prompt/Powershell in your Windows system and run the below commands.
node –v
The system confirms that Node.js v23 is installed.
Now let’s verify the NPM version with the following command:
npm –v
You have installed NPM version 10.9.0.